Green And Eco-Friendly Window Cleaning | Penn Jersey | Janitorial | Cleaning | Philadelphia PA

(215) 382-1105

Green And Eco-Friendly Window Cleaning

Giving your windows that mirror-like shine that we’re famous for, while using only non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and safe products. Our team are experienced working with all types of windows, from high-rise to inside-and-out cleans. Green window cleaning ensures spotless windows and no environmental impact.

How Is Environmentally Friendly Window Cleaning Different?

Opting for green cleaning methods may not be high up on your agenda. However, the benefits for your business are significant. Choose green window cleaning for a more ethical approach to cleaning for your business business. We sepecialise in delivering eco friendly window cleaning Philadelphia businesses can be proud of and you’ve probably spotted some of our sparkling windows around town.

Not only can eco-friendly window cleaning be better for the environment, but they can result in a shine that lasts longer. Traditional cleaning methods often use strong chemicals and hazardous materials. Some traditional methods include chemicals that result in residues, and detergents can result in a sticky film. Both of these methods combine to allow grime and dirt to accumulate more quickly than after a pure water clean.

Why opt for eco-friendly window cleaning, here are our top reasons:

  • Reduced residue and grime
  • Clean pure water
  • No toxic or harmful ‘run off’ after a clean
  • That mirror like shine lasts for longer

The other obvious benefit, as is clear in the name, is the environmentally friendly nature of our window cleaning services. We care about sustaining Philadelphia and the wider world.

We do not want to add to the huge chemical pollution levels already present across the globe. Our experienced team share our ethos and ensure eco-friendly principles are adhered to on every green window cleaning job.

Why should you consider eco-friendly window cleaning?

You may or may not already be committed to a green strategy in your business. Not all businesses are fully sold on the need to be green, but it’s likely many of your customers are.

Your customers and consumers in general are more aware of their environment and the damage that is being done by pollution and chemicals. The more businesses show they care, the better impression they make on their customers. Furthermore, you should want a safer and cleaner environment for all. We’re committed to a greener future and we want the same for our clients.

Chemicals and pollutants do damage to the environment, this is undisputed. You can choose to minimize their spread by opting for non-chemical eco-friendly window cleaning with Penn Jersey. We can help you limit your business’ contribution to the world’s pollution and reduce your carbon footprint.

Environmentally Friendly

You don’t have to compromise between your desire for a mirror-like shine, and cleaner, eco-friendly window cleaning. Penn Jersey’s team is committed to providing every customer with great results without compromising on their environmental credentials.

All Window Types Cleaned

Our team has the experience, and equipment to clean all commercial and institutional premises throughout the Philadelphia area. We’ve worked on high-rise blocks near you, as well as some of the most famous buildings downtown. Every customer we work with benefits from our eco-friendly window cleaning approach.

More and more companies are embracing a greener approach to all their company practices. With Penn Jersey there is no need to compromise when it comes to cleaning either. Minimizing water use, eliminating harmful chemicals, and delivering the results you’re used to from traditional methods - often even better - is all part of our green window cleaning service.

We utilize traditional cleaning methods and products and avoiding the use of dangerous and toxic chemicals. We leave your windows shining and your conscience clear when it comes to the environment.

Whether you’re newly awakened to the need to show your business’ eco-friendly spirit or have always had this environmentally conscious approach we’re ready to partner with you for the journey. Our cleaners are experienced and dedicated to delivering our green services. Every window cleaning job is completed with perfection in mind, protecting the environment and also delivering top quality.

Why does Eco-Friendly Cleaning Matter?

You may have already adopted a greener approach to business. You may be operating paperless office or be dedicated to recycling across your premises. Cleaning is another area you can make a significant difference.

On one level it is better for the environment if you opt for eco-friendly window cleaning for your business. You should also consider the potential damage and hazardous natural of traditional chemical cleaning. Many of the chemicals in standard anti-bacterial cleaners, for example, are packed with toxins dangerous to our health and the health of the environment.

As a responsible employer it is up to you to protect the wellbeing and health of your workforce. Opting for a more natural approach to window cleaning and other types of cleaning in the workplace helps to protect your employees’ health. It is also an effective way to minimize water wastage

Our Eco Values

Penn Jersey is committed to green and ethical practices throughout our business. We believe strongly in fair pay, maximizing our use of recycling, and supporting the thriving community to which we belong. If you’re looking for a partner that’s committed to your business’ environmental ethos, Penn Jersey is ready to get shining those windows.

Philadelphia is our home as much as it is yours and we want to keep our environment as clean and green as we can. Together we can create a greener Philadelphia.

We care about our local environment as well as the wider world. We believe it’s only right your business does too. If you are interested in finding out more about Penn Jersey’s green and eco-friendly window cleaning services get in touch today.

Get In Touch Now

(215) 382-1105